Thursday, November 20, 2008

1. diagram of a cloud

1. diagram of a cloud
Originally uploaded by Caro Lion
i have had food poisoning or gastric flu, i'm not quite sure which, and i felt a little woozy walking home in the sun after work, so i didn't go to swing dancing last night. it seemed a bit too energetic.

instead, when it was getting dark and i went to get something out of my car, the clouds were AMAZING! they were smouldering in the middle and GLOWING on the outside. i wanted to take a photograph but i couldn't so i drew a picture instead, only i can't really draw pictures of things so i made a diagram of one of the clouds instead, bear with me people.

you will have to use your imagination i'm afraid!

later i went to the pub and there was hell of lightning! not really much rain or thunder though. it was great. i was kind of scared i was going to be electrocuted on the drive home.

also, i have forgotten how to spell lightning? that looks wrong.

love love love,


Unknown said...

Using SCIENCE I have determined that the star you witnessed was CANOPUS. Yaaaay!

this is creedz p.s.
p.p.s congrats on your couch to 5k success!

lion said...

holy heck creedon first your science finds my blog, then you identify the star in it! how did you even do that?! it was in an east-ish direction, is that the one?

p.s. hello
p.p.s. how is your own c25k going? i haven't run for a week because of puking. i might try tomorrow though, i hope i don't fall over :(

Unknown said...

You gave the time of night when you said 'it was getting dark', and I used Google StreetView to find out which one of your neighbours had the chimney and antenna so that let me know it was east. Then I used the free observatory software Stellarium to check out what you would have seen at that time and in that direction!

Around sunset looking east there's only really two bright stars and the other one (Rigel) was a bit low on the horizon. Plus Canopus is the second brightest star in the sky so I figured that would have made it noticable enough to draw about. The brightest star doesn't rise til about 10pm.

Look out west around or shortly after sunset. The two brightest objects you see in the sky are Jupiter and Venus. Whoah, exciting! If you have a good set of binoculars you can usually make out some of Jupiters moons as little specks.

My c25k is going OK actually, I am up to Week 6 Day 3! It's getting a bit easier now and I think I may have even lost a few kg. I kinda feel like skipping the week full of 25's and the next week full of 28's and just jumping straight into 30's but It's probably best to stick with the program...