Tuesday, December 09, 2008

11. five two-word book reviews

a very small assignment for you to enjoy!

i always read lots of books at once. here are five books that i am reading at the moment and my impressions of them so far IN TWO WORDS OR LESS.

how we are hungry by dave eggers (a collection of short stories):
cocky, calculated

tropic of capricorn by henry miller:
oversexed, spitting

the history of love by nicole krauss:
warm, tactile

the master and margarita by mikhail bulgakov:
cerebral, dry

what i talk about when i talk about running by haruki murakami:
honest, exultant

these are not my final reviews! i've only read one story from how we are hungry thus far. i've read a little more of all the others though.

love love love

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